Thursday, April 23, 2009

Frye Art Museum

Are you interested in exposing the kids a bit of culture, but aren't sure about some of the admission prices at the local art museums?

Have you tried the Frye Art Museum?

The Frye is always free, and it's not so big that it would be overwhelming to the little folk. Located east of the I-5 in Seattle, its central location makes it easy to get to. Plus, you can even enroll the kids in a variety of summer art classes. Free tours are also always available, which makes so that you aren't left explaining to the kids why that funny [insert odd art image of choice] is in that picture.

I was able to see a German collection that is currently on display until April 26. I enjoyed it. There were quite a few pictures that I thought were beautiful, and the kids I saw on a field trip seemed to be enjoying the artwork as well. It was a surprisingly good collection for a smaller (and free!) museum

Find directions to the Frye here.

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